In 2006 was developed and introduced a system for control of food safety which combines the already developed and introduced earlier GMP and GHP and the developed system ISO 22000.
There is a modern laboratory at the factory, equipped with all necessary machinery and consumables for full examination of the raw milk, as well as of the physicochemical parameters of intermediates and finished product, the technological parameters of the production process.
Over the years there has been a constant monitoring of:
- all milk suppliers;
- the entire production (intermediates and finished dairy products);
- technological parameters;
- all suppliers of additional raw products, approved and secured by the enterprise management.
By the introduced system for constant monitoring and recording of all technological parameters are created conditions for observation of CT and CCT, as well as for development and introduction of adequate corrective actions; condition for compliance with EU and Bulgarian laws and production of safe dairy products.
"Inner monitoring program" of the enterprise is constantly carried out for supervision of:
- quality of raw milk (in accordance with Regulation 853/2004 of EC and Ordinance 4/2006 of MHF),
- quality and safety of intermediates and finished dairy products;
- hygiene of the working environment;
- hygiene of production;
- quality and safety of drinking water;
- physicochemical parameters of dairy products;
- residues of veterinary medicines and environmental contaminants in raw materials (raw milk), intermediate and finished products.
The program is developed annualy. It is introduced and established by the enterprise management which secures the necessary organization and resources for its conduction. The inner monitoring program is approved and its execution is supervised by the veterinarian official from RFSD.
The result of the deliberate efforts of the owners of "Hadjiiski and family" and the management of their dairy factory is the approval of the factory for free trade with the other member states of EU, officially granted with Decision of EC ЕК 828/2008/ЕО.
The founded production base, the selected staff and the established working organization are a steady guarantee for the safety and quality of the dairy products produced by "Hadjiiski and family". A proof of that is the long presence on the market of the brand "Hadjiiski and family".
The enterprise management is fully aware of its obligation as an operator of food, conducting buying and processing of milk, and moreover, the range of obligations is extended and includes the distribution of finished products by own specialized transportation and own commercial shops for wholesale in the cities of Sofia and Varna.
In 2012, after it passed successfully the procedure for approval of dairy factories for production of dairy products by the Bulgarian state standards, the dairy factory of "Hadjiiski and family" was registered by the Bulgarian patent office as a manufacturer of "Bulgarian kashkaval" (Bulgarian yellow cheese) after BDS 14-2010 and of „Bulgarian white cheese” after BDS 15-2010.